I'm Beautician for Westerner
Yuji Nakahata

Beauty Salon MonaLisa Kobe
The hair styling for "Kobe club party" "India club party" is possible, too.
We suggest a hairstyle suitable for fine hair peculiar to a Westerner.
We use congenial L'Oreal for a hair color with the hair of the Westerner.
When make a highlight, for the beautiful finish, I use the original paper.
Hair CUT
Color & Highlighting

Hello I'm Yuji !!
Welcome to our site.
I worked as a beautician and trained on the east coast of the United States for six years. after returning home to Japan for more than twenty years now I am specialized in styling, cutting and hair care for foreign customers in the Rokko area of Kobe city we welcome everyone from America ,Australia ,Europe and Asian countries .
we have a relaxing atmosphere with English magazines and other amenities that suits the needs of family's, foreign students ,and people of western culture. in addition we are associated and care for customers through the Kobe club and Indian club.
KOBE Rokko Japan / Hair salonモナリザ美容室 神戸 六甲